Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Web Watch #5

As Valentine’s Day approaches and our thoughts turn to relationships, I thought it fitting to look at Doug Silsbee’s latest blog entry “The Marriage of Intuition and Rigor”. http://www.dougsilsbee.com/blog/rigor

This is a relationship that every coach could benefit from examining. Doug is the “presence-based coach” and being absolutely present in the coaching relationship requires a discipline and practice all its own…then to be able to determine when your intuition is truly appropriate and useful to the coaching conversation is a skill on another level completely.  And, one worth developing, I believe.  So many of us in the coaching profession have good intuition skills, but by itself, intuition is not enough.
Your Marriage Life

Here is a great nugget from Doug Silsbee on the partnership of intuition and rigor, “Intuition imbues the coaching process with grace, with art, with connectedness that opens new territory. Rigor is the process of recognizing and owning the inevitable pieces of unfinished business, on holding ourselves accountable to skillful means, and grounding our intuition to ensure that it is truly of service, at least most of the time.”

He phrases this beautifully, almost romantically. If each one of us brought this “marriage” to our practices, to our client relationships it would benefit both parties.  This is definitely worth a read and be sure to check out the comments from his readers which are really insightful.

Marggie Paris, LSW, BCC

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