Thursday, January 31, 2013

President's Letter for February

"If you were to sum up your work in the world with one word, what would it be?"

When I heard this question last week, the first word that came to mind was "trust." I immediately dismissed it and searched my mind for another word. Why? How could that word sum up my worldwork (work I feel called to do)? My own journey of self-trust couldn't possibly reflect my main contribution to the world, could it? Yes.

As I continue to let this truth sink in, I’m struck with how obvious it seems. Trust is one of my core values…one of my top three. How then could I think to escape its influence in anything that I do? How then should it influence everything that I do?

How about you? During ICF Chicago’s January chapter meeting we were challenged to ask as many people as possible to give us 5 words that describe us when we are at our best. What were the themes that showed up? What words represent you at your core? Which ones sum up your worldwork?

As we head into month two of 2013 keep paying attention to these words. Let them guide you throughout the year and see what happens!

Speaking of which, you won’t want to miss our upcoming chapter meetings and workshop. You spoke and we listened…these meetings will be highly interactive, experiential, and will provide distinct take-aways that can be used with clients immediately.  Check out our calendar for more details. CCEUs are available for each meeting and workshop.

Upcoming Chapter Meetings:

February 11: "Strategies for Coaching Multicultural Clients" – Taking our awareness of diversity and culture to a new level!

March 11: "Introduction to SHIFT to Above-the-Line, Positive Thinking” – Part one of a seven part SHIFT process to coach people to positive energy.

March 12: “SHIFT to Above-the-Line, Positive Thinking” – An extended workshop to learn all seven parts of the SHIFT coaching process! Sign up now!

And finally, do you want to grow your strengths and honor your values in a supportive and collaborative community setting? Check out our volunteer opportunities ways you can bring your influence and contribution to the Chicagoland coaching community and beyond!

With Appreciation,
Wendy Balman, MA, CPCC, ACC | ICF Chicago President

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