Tuesday, February 26, 2013

President's Letter - Time for a Check-In

What is happening now? When a lot is going on it’s always good to pause for a moment and check-in with what is happening now. As a board, we wanted to let you know about what we are up to and also give you a heads up on some changes to our upcoming chapter meeting/workshop schedule.
March Chapter Meeting – Changes!The March chapter meeting with the Hawks has been rescheduled for later in the year. The Hawks will now lead the chapter meeting on Monday, June 10 (this will be a virtual meeting!) and then provide an
in-person half day workshop on Saturday, September 14.  We can’t wait! Stay tuned for more details for both of these events!
The revised March program details are coming together and should be confirmed this week. We will send an email with details asap!
World Café UpdateLast December, ICF Chicago hosted a World Café event that drew 50+ people. It garnered valuable input from the Chicagoland coaching community on what it would look like for ICF Chicago to partner with them to Learn, Earn and Connect (Engage) in 2013. We collected that input and are taking action as a board. Here are a few things we are up to:
·         We are honing our ICF Chicago membership program to provide more competitive pricing options and more opportunities for ICF credentialed members to get CCEUs (Continuing Coach Education Units). Our formal launch is targeted for June with some pre-launch opportunities in the works.  We are upping the experiential component of our programs, as well as providing alternate meeting options like Chicago-based meetings and virtual meetings (both coming soon!).
·         We started a new Community Coach Café in Geneva, IL – we now have four. http://meetup.com/community-coach-cafe

·         We are committed to the Midwest Regional Conference in MN! If you would like to be a part of the magic, here are ways you can get involved: http://icf-midwest.com/volunteers/

This is just a taste of all the good stuff going on. If you are interested in where your unique gifts, expertise and talents might fit in this community, let me know!
With Appreciation,
Wendy Balman, MA, CPCC, ACC


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