Sunday, December 28, 2014

Recap of World Cafe, December 2014 - You Thrilled Us!

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." – Maya Angelou

The Board was delighted with the enthusiastic response to our December invitation.

We are thrilled to report that there was great attendance and participation at this year's World Cafe!

We have kept the notes, and our vibrant memories, and we have been and will continue to sift through the ideas and interests expressed that evening. There are lots of decisions to be made, and programs and activities to consider.

Thanks to all who attended, for joining in and contributing to the bright future of the International Coach Federation, Chicago Charter Chapter. We will never be the same!

There will be some opportunities in 2015 for volunteer participation in ICFC projects, to help bring some of these new ideas to life.

If you are intrigued with the idea of working with other coaches to create a growing presence of Coaching in the Chicago-land area, please contact the Board to give them more information about what you might like to do! This is a lot of fun, and there are various levels of involvement available, including one hour, one time. Speak to any board member at a meeting, or email us.

With gratitude from
Your friends of the ICF Chicago Board

January 12, 2015 Program – Encouragement Matters!

When you encourage others, you in the process are encouraged because you're making a commitment and difference in that person's life. Encouragement really does make a difference.” – Zig Ziglar 

With excitement, we are presenting Denny Stockdale as our January 2015 speaker. Denny is an executive coach who sees the importance of creating kinder, more effective working and living cultures.

On his website, he says, “I'm Denny Stockdale, the creator of the Abuse Recovery Map, a guide to help myself and others recover from the Aftershock of Abuse. I'm on a mission to create a KINDER world through the POWER of ENCOURAGEMENT.”

Our environments contain both kindness, with effective cooperation, and also bullying, which results in less effective working together. This presentation will present a great opportunity to get able to effectively increase the kindness and collaboration, and overcome the bullying that is present in our world, in so many ways. When it isn't present in our personal lives, we may find bullying is present in the corporate culture of our clients. Come learn new skills with us, to help build a better world, locally and globally!

The January Meeting will be held at the DePaul University O'Hare Campus, on Monday, January 12, 2015. This is a great, somewhat central location.

We gather at 6:30 pm, for some time to get to know each other, and light dinner. There is a short meeting with announcements, and our program will be 7:15 to 9.

We'd like to get to know YOU! So please come and join us.

From Betty Terrell, Director of Membership

ICF Chicago Board's Letter for January 2015

"When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful." – Malala Yousafzai 

Greetings and Happy New Year!

Our first work as coaches and entrepreneurs, which underlies our more visible work of coaching, is building community among our diverse individuals and groups. Building communities of understanding, and collaborating to work with clients, other coaches, other colleagues, requires lots of awareness and kindness. There are many choices to make every day, as to how we will interpret what we hear and see, and what meanings are present. This is both the topic of our January presentation, and it is also our Board process of building ICFC to be even better than it already is in 2015. See more here about our January program, and about our growing process.

As our Board year comes to a close, it is time for ICFC to hold Executive Committee Elections. We, as the Board, are honored to report that a terrific candidate has accepted the nomination for President-Elect, Cheryl Procter-Rogers!

The Board are pleased to present the following Executive Committee nominations for your vote:

Murray Mann, for 2015 President
Cheryl Procter-Rogers, for 2015 President-Elect
Evie Burke, for 2015 VP Finance
Elizabeth A. 'Betty' Terrell, for 2015 VP Governance

Elections will follow soon: All ICF Chicago members will receive a ballot online in about 7 days after this newsletter. Be sure to watch for it, and participate!

Results will be announced at our January 12, 2015 meeting.

Your vote counts and helps to shape the ICF Chicago Coaching Community. With your help we will continue to grow stronger and more successful, so that we can bring you the speakers, events and opportunities that you desire and deserve.

Happy New Year 2015 to Each and All!

From your ICF Chicago Board of Directors