Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Curious About Your ICFC?

Are you curious as to what is going on with ICFC, and how to participate more? There IS a lot going on, that's certain.

There are so many advantages and opportunities available: getting to know other coaches, learning about various communities of practice among coaches, attaining higher credentials in the ICF spectrum, becoming known in the larger Chicago community of coaches. There is participation available with the Core Competency Calls and the Coach Cafes. Yes, there are so many advantages to becoming an active and attending member of ICF Chciago. What if you are doing that, and are still wanting more involvement? Or what if you just want the group to do this one thing that you think we forget to do?

What if you are attending some meetings, and wanting to know more about this organization? What if you have a real interest in the core of ICFC, and want to roll your sleeves up, and DO something?

What if you are curious about the committees or the Board, and wonder how it all works? Maybe you have a vision, or a thought of one, for how it could be better?

Feel free to talk to us about these questions, as now the Board has identified three of its members who are available to answer them or have a conversation with you. Those are President Murray Mann, VP Finance Evie Burke, and VP Governance Betty Terrell.

Meanwhile, thank you for your membership, your current activity levels, and for caring about this ICFC organization!

From Betty Terrell

President's Letter for December 2014

Gratitude, December World Café 3.0 and Holiday Celebration

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend." ~ Melody Beattie

Our December Board message is one of thanks, gratitude and praise for our ICF Chicago Community. You have filled our journey with joy and fueled our passion to be in service of you. We honor each of your contributions as coaches, volunteers, committee members, chairs and directors. You have turned ICFC into a home and strangers into friends.

We invite you to join us at the FREE December 8th World Café 3.0 - "Creating a Premier Coaching Community" and Holiday Celebration. You can register at and feel free to share this invitation with your coaching colleagues to share their wisdom, vision and camaraderie. We will also ring in the International Coach Federation’s 20th anniversary as we prepare to launch the International Year of Coaching.

To Coaches For All That You Do

"At times, our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us." ~ Albert Schweitzer

  1. December 5: FREE ICF CORE COMPETENCY CALL (CCEUs Available) 2:00 p.m. CST - Bridgeline: 218.862.3486 Pin: 6969#
    6:30 pm - 9:00 pm CST
  3. Monthly (multiple dates): COACH CAFÉS see dates and times at here.
  4. December 8 BOARD APPLICATIONS close. More information here.


  • January 12 – Denny Stockdale, The Abuse Recovery Map™
  • February 9 – Gregg Lavoy, Vital Signs: The Nature and Nurture of Passion with a signing of his new book
  • March 9 – (The irrepressible) Ben Dooley, The ATEBAR formula for MasterFull Coaching
  • Monthly Core Competency calls occur every 1st Wednesday at 2:00pm CST
  • Bridgeline: 218.862.3486 Pin: 6969#
  • Monthly Coach Cafés details here.

With gratitude on behalf of the ICF Chicago Board,

Murray A. Mann
President, ICF Chicago.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

President's Letter for November 2014

Deepen Your Coaching Mastery with ICF Chicago’s Upcoming Programs

Trust is the glue of life. It's the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It's the foundational principle that holds all relationships.” ~ Stephen Covey

Communication leads to community, that is, to understanding, intimacy and mutual valuing.” ~ Rollo May

ICF Chicago’s theme for November is Establishing Trust and Intimacy. This core competency applies to coaches and clients and to our relationship as a community of coaches.

ICFC is an organic organization that thrives from the life all of us breathe into it. I invite you to be part of the movement to share leadership amongst us. As an organization, we are rich with talent, ideas and energy. Every member is an ICFC leader; we learn from each other, share ideas, participate on a committee or serve as board members.  Creating and sustaining our organization is a rewarding pursuit.  It is a journey versus a destination.

I invite you to deepen your coaching mastery and evolve your relationships in our ICFC community by participating in your monthly programs, coach cafés and ICFC online communities.


  1. November 10: ICF CHICAGO CHAPTER MEETING WITH MARK STAMPER (a core leader of the IBM Coaching Community of Practice), ACC, CPCC from 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm CST
  2. Monthly (multiple dates): COACH CAFÉS see dates and times here

  • December 8  – World Café 3.0 and Holiday Celebration (Free Event)
  • December 8BOARD APPLICATIONS close
  • January 12 – Denny Stockdale, The Abuse Recovery Map™
  • February 9 – Gregg Lavoy, Vital Signs: The Nature and Nurture of Passion with a signing of his new book
  • March 9 – (The irrepressible) Ben Dooley, Offering an evolutionary new coaching methodology
  • Monthly Core Competency calls occur every 1st Wednesday at 2:00pm CST
    Bridgeline: 218.862.3486 Pin: 6969#
  • Monthly Coach Cafés details here



LinkedIn: International Coach Federation {Chicago Charter Chapter}


Twitter: @ICFChicago

Thank you all for being a part of our community and helping us grow and prosper to enrich coaching, our clients and our communities.

In support of you,

Murray A. Mann
President, ICF Chicago