Sunday, December 28, 2014

ICF Chicago Board's Letter for January 2015

"When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful." – Malala Yousafzai 

Greetings and Happy New Year!

Our first work as coaches and entrepreneurs, which underlies our more visible work of coaching, is building community among our diverse individuals and groups. Building communities of understanding, and collaborating to work with clients, other coaches, other colleagues, requires lots of awareness and kindness. There are many choices to make every day, as to how we will interpret what we hear and see, and what meanings are present. This is both the topic of our January presentation, and it is also our Board process of building ICFC to be even better than it already is in 2015. See more here about our January program, and about our growing process.

As our Board year comes to a close, it is time for ICFC to hold Executive Committee Elections. We, as the Board, are honored to report that a terrific candidate has accepted the nomination for President-Elect, Cheryl Procter-Rogers!

The Board are pleased to present the following Executive Committee nominations for your vote:

Murray Mann, for 2015 President
Cheryl Procter-Rogers, for 2015 President-Elect
Evie Burke, for 2015 VP Finance
Elizabeth A. 'Betty' Terrell, for 2015 VP Governance

Elections will follow soon: All ICF Chicago members will receive a ballot online in about 7 days after this newsletter. Be sure to watch for it, and participate!

Results will be announced at our January 12, 2015 meeting.

Your vote counts and helps to shape the ICF Chicago Coaching Community. With your help we will continue to grow stronger and more successful, so that we can bring you the speakers, events and opportunities that you desire and deserve.

Happy New Year 2015 to Each and All!

From your ICF Chicago Board of Directors

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