Friday, February 3, 2012

It Is A Wonderful Year

President’s Message by Kam Gupta
President, CCF

Last month we stated 2012 as being a wonderful year. As I look forward and see what’s happening, I think it is a wonderful year.

a. Feb 5-11 is designated as ‘International Coaching Week. During this week, we must remind ourselves of sharing one our most effective talents – coaching. We can offer complimentary coaching to individuals and teams in any non-profit organization, agency or educational institution. We have the freedom to invent where we want to offer our services pro bono. Please document and send me what you did and your experiences, and I can share with all the members of coach community. This is an opportunity for every one of us to connect and grow.

b. March-April timeframe is generally busy with membership renewal activity. This is the ideal time to update your records on the ICF web site. As you might be aware, ICF has created new membership requirements (MER). It DOES NOT affect majority of its members. Only some members of ICF are affected. That’s why it is important to update your records and see where you are. Here is a brief glimpse of MER:

For the current Members:
• If you have a current ICF credential such as ACC, PCC or MCC
Do nothing and renew your membership by March 31
• If you don’t have a credential, but have completed at least 60 hours of coach-specific training
Do nothing and renew your membership by March 31

• If you are a members of ICF and do not have at least 60 hrs of coach specific training, your membership is safe if you renew it by March 31, 2012 and complete the coach specific training OR become ICF accredited as ACC, PCC or MCC before April 1, 2013.

For the New Members:
If you are a new member to ICF and do not meet the above requirements…
• Become enrolled in an ICF-approved (ACTP or ACSTH) – 60 hours minimum – coach training program by April 1, 2012 and declare your enrollment to ICF.

If your situation is not covered here or for any specific questions on MER please do not hesitate to contact ICF at Or contact me any time at I am keeping up with the latest on MER for our members’ convenience.

c. Mark your calendars for June 22 and 23, 2012. The first of its kind and full of excitement and value, Midwest Regional Conference (MRC), is happening here in Chicago and we are excited to be the host chapter. Registrations are coming soon. Stay tuned to CCF news channels for further and useful information. Let us register in great numbers and become part of this unique experience. You may also visit for more information.

d. In this New Year, one resolution that we all can keep is our desire to give, share and make a difference; and to connect and grow. Think of giving to your own organization, the CCF. Volunteer on any committee, board position, or on the periphery. We need your expertise.

Do something is the title of this very interesting post-it note, that I came across the other day and found to be extremely helpful in motivating me to do those little things that take away so much of my energy. Here is this do something for your pleasure.

Let’s stay connected and grow from our experiences. Stay in the positive.

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