Dear ICFC Community,
I would like to use this
opportunity to introduce myself as the new Chair of the Membership
Committee. It’s an
honor to be a part of such an amazing and enthusiastic coaching organization. I
very much appreciate the opportunity to meet other coaches, become more
grounded in my new profession and strengthen the professional identity and
standards for coaching.
As I become more familiar with the work and tasks of the Membership Committee, I would like to share with other ICFC members the purpose of this Committee, the one that is considered to be a “customer support center” of our chapter.
The main goals of the Membership
Committee for the near future are:
• to grow
the ICFC coaching family,
• to
develop the competencies of the member coaches and increase their
• to
create a place for coaches in Chicago area to meet, brainstorm and share advice
and encouragement,
• to
establish clear and transparent communication between ICFC and coach members.
As you can see, the Membership Committee is dedicated to
supporting you! We are here to listen to your ideas, suggestions and concerns,
and provide the best support we can.
Over the next few months, I
will be highlighting the benefits that your ICFC membership provides. I'll
begin this month with the chapter meetings. Here are my favorite
takeaways from my own participation in Chapter meetings:
• new
insight and ideas from seasoned and successful speakers,
• a
community of amazing and very diverse coaches,
personal connections (It's great to be part
of a virtual community, but it can never take the place of a warm smile, a
handshake, the joy of a first encounter and a warm hug
at the end of the day),
at the end of the day),
• the
comfort of being among peers, talking about similar problems and professional
trends (that is why lawyers have their bar associations),
• CCEUs.
If you have any questions,
suggestions, and/or ideas about how to make our chapter meetings more
attractive and beneficial for you, I would love to hear from you.
forward to meeting many of you at the next chapter meeting on April 14th.
Sofia Burau
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