Thursday, January 21, 2016

President's Letter for February 2016

February 2016


Dear Members and Colleagues:

A heartfelt thanks to all who attended the January program, “LinkedIn and Facebook for Business.”  Many commented that the presenter, Kathleen Weiss, was able to deliver a lot of useful information within such a short period of time.  I look forward to hearing how the program created measurable results for attendees.  Please post any updates on our Facebook page.

The February 1st deadline is fast approaching for candidates to send their applications in for our open board of director position!  Board service is one of the most enriching and rewarding leadership experiences available through your ICFC membership.  For more information, please visit our website.

Also, please visit the ICFC website “Call to Service” link to learn more about volunteer opportunities.  If you review the opportunities and don’t find a committee that aligns with your background and interests, please reach out to me and we’ll find a match!

Don’t forget to maximize your membership investment and plan to attend at least four Chapter events this year and make plans to attend the premiere coaching event of the year, the ICF Midwest Regional Conference, June 23-25, in Indianapolis, Indiana. The Conference theme is “The Crossroads of Coaching.”  More information can be found HERE.

Plan to take part in our VIRTUAL February program, “From Crickets to Clients:
3 steps to more clients, more income + more impact, presented by Krista Martin.

Our website continues to be the best source for industry and Chapter information.  Please visit regularly!

On behalf of ICFC’s board of directors and committees, we look forward to delivering on the promise of our tagline — All Things Coaching!        

Here’s to the growth of coaches and the coaching profession!  

Cheryl I. Procter-Rogers, APR, ACC
2016 President



Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Open Board Position

We are currently looking to fill an open position on our board of directors.  If you are a leader interested in donating your expertise, resources and creativity to the chapter, please review the job description below and fill out the application HERE!

Board of Director - Liaison to Programs

  • Chairs all Program committee meetings; works to recruit members to serve on the program committee.
  • Develops a selection of regular monthly programs that provide ongoing professional growth, networking, and an open exchange of ideas and skills based on the needs of the members for board approval.
  • Provides agendas/receipts, handouts and evaluation forms for all program activities.
  • Provides any program information for the Newsletter, email blasts, website, social media, etc.
  • Prepares and gives introduction for each speaker.
  • Reviews final preparations for meetings to assure that programs run smoothly.
  • Reviews program evaluations for feedback to be used in planning future events. Provide a summary of the program evaluations to the board with each Consent Agenda.
  • Provides a written monthly report for the Consent Agenda, including monthly program attendance, core competency calls, coach cafes, holiday party and other chapter programs.
  • Completes other assignments as requested by the President or the Executive Committee.
  • Participates in the development of short-term and long-term strategic planning for the ICFC.
  • Attends all board meetings, monthly calls and Chapter meetings.
  • Represents ICFC in the coaching community.
  • Maintains a current active ICF membership.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

January 2016 President's Letter

Dear Colleagues and Friends of ICF Chicago,

Happy New Year!!  We are off to a great start with a dynamic 2016 Board of Directors!  We are fortunate to have leaders who are willing to share their expertise and their time for the support of our chapter and our profession. Your 2016 board is no exception. Please click on the link HERE to learn more about your 2016 board members and the leadership roles they will assume this year.

It is a tremendous honor for me to serve as your president during 2016, and to continue working for the advancement of ICFC.  As a board, we will strive to build upon the strategic imperatives established by immediate past president Murray Mann for 18 months.  

As chair of Strategic Planning for 2015, I was pleased when we unanimously agreed to revise our mission, vision and values statement, making our 2016-2018Strategic Plan relevant and with a focus on the future.  My challenge to the strategic planning team was to find ways to “refresh” our chapter in ways that would benefit our members and the profession. Well, the team not only revised and refreshed, they developed four goals that help ensure a move to innovation and creativity. The goals outlined for 2016-2018 outlined by the Strategic Planning team are:

  1. Membership Growth
  2. Governance
  3. Professional Development
  4. Communications and Branding

In 2016, ICFC’s Committees and task forces are helping us provide relevant resources, professional development, networking opportunities, advocacy initiatives and governance to the organization which benefits each member. Many of these committees are still seeking new members. Visit the Call to Service link HERE to learn more about these volunteer opportunities.

As members, you continue to be one of our most important assets. Maximize your membership investment and plan to attend at least three Chapter events this year.

Highlights of January activity:

  • January 6 - board of directors and committee chair orientation.
  • January 6 - Core Competency Call - Active Listening
  • January 11 - Monthly Program - LinkedIn and Facebook for Business
  • January 14 - Coach Café - Schaumburg
  • January 18 - Coach Café - Lincoln Park
  • January 19 - Coach Café - Wilmette

On behalf of ICFC’s board of directors, we look forward to working with you in 2016, as we continue to deliver on the promise of our tagline — All Things Coaching!
Here’s to a “Refreshing” 2016!


Cheryl I. Procter-Rogers, APR, ACC
2016 President


Over the next few months, the board will be seeking volunteers to serve as members or leaders of various committees and task forces.  Not all committees will need new chair appointments, but all will need leaders!  The opportunities to take part and help shape the ICF Chicago Chapter and the profession are endless.  Here’s a partial list…

  1. Finance Committee
The Finance Committee is a committee of the Board; the chapter’s Treasurer is the Chair of the Committee and a member of the Board of Directors.  The Committee’s purpose is to provide financial oversight and ensure the ICFC Board of Directors effectively fulfills its’ fiduciary duties, particularly relating to financial matters.  In addition to the on-going review and analysis of the monthly and quarterly financials, the Finance Committee will focus on initiatives determined by the team and Board.

  1. Governance Committee
Help facilitate an effective, high functioning board that conducts the business of the Society and consistently reviews and refines the Chapter’s vision and purpose.  Manages the annual board nominating committee process.

  1. Midwest Regional Advisory Council Conference
The conference is being held June 23-25, Indianapolis, IN.  If you are planning to attend, the Steering Committee is seeking volunteers for a variety of positions.

  1. Marketing Committee
Reviews, solicits sponsorship opportunities; coordinates all advertising sales, creates and implements a marketing strategy for the chapter; communications chair-newsletter editor, blog writer, manages social media pages; photographer.

  1. Membership Committee
Develops and manages a member recruitment, reactivation and retention strategy; engages members; serves as hospitality ambassadors at chapter events; implements new member orientation/program; develops and implements other strategies to support chapter growth.

  1. Programs Committee
Secures regular programs to provide professional development, networking and CCEU opportunities.

  1. 2016 Strategic Planning Committee
Reviews and evaluates progress toward goals for current plan.  Recommends 2017 tactic priorities and budgeting needs.  Chaired by president-elect.

Contact: 2016 President Cheryl Procter-Rogers to sign up!