Every Coach is ICF and ICF is You!
ICF is evolving from a structural global organization into a dynamic global community.
- Two takeaways from the ICF 2015 Global Leaders Forum.
Why was the Global Leaders Forum (GLF) important to each ICF member?
With almost 200 elected leaders from 177 chapters and 57 countries, this was the first time all of our voices were in the same room. President Elect Cheryl Procter-Rogers and I were honored and humbled to be invited to represent the members of ICF-Chicago.
The Forum was intentionally designed to be a transformative experience for all of ICF. The program was an intensive, visceral and a community building experience, yielding profound insights that will exponentially evolve ICF in service of coaches and clients.
The ICF Global Board, staff, regional advisory councils and chapters learned from each other. The global leadership and staff “heard” your needs. The chapters are receiving greater support, new tools and resources to improve our effectiveness.
Your voices and ICF Global are creating a tipping point in our common goal: “Transforming individuals organizations and the world through professional coaching.”
A more extensive article on the how GLF impacts you, the core of ICF, will be posted on the ICF-Chicago blog in April. Access to information, tools and resources will be made available during the coming months.
Important Dates to Remember
March 31 – Membership Renewal Deadline
April 1 – ICF Core Competency Call with Ben Dooley
April 13 – ICF Chapter Meeting: HOT Topics Roundtables
April 15 – March Make-up ICF Core Competency Call with Ben Dooley
April 15 – Early Bird Discount, ICF Midwest Regional Conference
Through out April – Community Coach Cafés
As with Spring, ICF is growing with greater energy and deeper purpose.
With gratitude,
Murray A. Mann
President, ICF Chicago
President, ICF Chicago