Monday, February 23, 2015


"Today you are You, that is truer than true.  There is no one alive who is Youer than You"-- Dr. Seuss

In March, we'll celebrate many birthdays and one of the most famous is that of
Theodor Seuss Geisel, fondly known as Dr. Seuss.  Happy birthday to our Chicago coaching community members who will turn a year older this month.

You may have noticed that our website is currently being reconstructed with a
newer look and more intuitive navigation.  We appreciate your patience as we make
significant changes to the site.

If you missed our February chapter meeting, "What Inspires Passion" led by nationally recognized coach and author Gregg Levoy, you missed a gift of riches for your coaching practice.  True to his word, Gregg provided a set of inspirational questions for all our members.  You will find this gift on the home page of the ICF-Chicago website.

Mark your calendar now for our March 9th chapter meeting, when former ICF-Chicago president and MCC Ben Dooley will present "The ATEBAR Formula."  He will share a proven formula to accelerate your coaching.  The presentation is designed for the member and nonmember whether you are new to coaching or a seasoned veteran.  For more information on this exciting program and to register, visit the website
(  Sign up early, we anticipate this program will sell out fast!

Other opportunities to connect with the coaching community are through our Community Coach Cafes which will feature the "Direct Communication" core competency.  Don't forget the IFC-Chicago Core Competency calls, open to all. 

Our Midwest Conference, “Getting to the Heart of the Matter” will convene June 18-20 in Kansas City, MO.  Registration is open for the Conference. Check the website for additional information on these must attend events and calls.

When you renew you membership in ICF, you invest in your future success as a coach.  Renew today!!!

We look forward to welcoming you to our March 9th meeting.  Until then,
Be authentic, be passionate and be truer than true!

Your 2015 ICF-Chicago Board