Wednesday, January 21, 2015

2015 February ICFC President's Letter

We all have the extraordinary coded within us, waiting to be released.
Jean Houston, author of The Possible Human and The Wizard of Us.

Finding Our Passion and Living Our Calling is ICF Chicago’s February Theme.

As coaches, we are blessed to reflect and act upon our passion for coaching daily. Many clients seek us out wondering how to discover or reclaim their own passion and life’s vocation.

At our February 9 chapter program, Gregg Levoy, acclaimed author of Vital Signs and Callings,
will facilitate a guided approach to support our clients in activating the passion that is within, gathering the courage to answer what calls and creating a more authentic life. Register here:
ICFC’s newly elected Executive Board looks forward to seeing you there.

Speaking of elections, our Chicago community welcomes:

Cheryl Procter-Rogers,        President Elect             
Elizabeth A. “Betty” Terrell,  Vice President of Governance
Evie Burke,                           Vice President of Finance
What is Your Passion and Calling Around Our ICF Chicago Community?
In 2015, a key chapter goal is to evolve our strong community of professional coaches. When communal bonds unite people, great success is possible. A community's true power lies not in its numbers, but in the passion, diverse skills and resources of its members.

We are asking you to contribute to creating a shared vision for ICF Chicago. Later this year, we will be conducting interviews, launching a chapter-wide online survey and establishing other forums for you to provide input on the future direction of our chapter.

We are creating more opportunities for you to connect with and learn from other coaches this year. There are many ways for you engage in our coaching community and to sharpen your coaching skills.  Check them out on our website at

An important way you can join us in reaching our 2015 goal is by volunteering – for 2 hours, 2 days, 2 months or even 2 years. No contribution of your time is too little - every minute brings us closer to realizing our shared vision! If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Betty Terrell at

With gratitude,

Murray A. Mann
President, ICF Chicago