Sunday, December 28, 2014

Recap of World Cafe, December 2014 - You Thrilled Us!

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." – Maya Angelou

The Board was delighted with the enthusiastic response to our December invitation.

We are thrilled to report that there was great attendance and participation at this year's World Cafe!

We have kept the notes, and our vibrant memories, and we have been and will continue to sift through the ideas and interests expressed that evening. There are lots of decisions to be made, and programs and activities to consider.

Thanks to all who attended, for joining in and contributing to the bright future of the International Coach Federation, Chicago Charter Chapter. We will never be the same!

There will be some opportunities in 2015 for volunteer participation in ICFC projects, to help bring some of these new ideas to life.

If you are intrigued with the idea of working with other coaches to create a growing presence of Coaching in the Chicago-land area, please contact the Board to give them more information about what you might like to do! This is a lot of fun, and there are various levels of involvement available, including one hour, one time. Speak to any board member at a meeting, or email us.

With gratitude from
Your friends of the ICF Chicago Board

January 12, 2015 Program – Encouragement Matters!

When you encourage others, you in the process are encouraged because you're making a commitment and difference in that person's life. Encouragement really does make a difference.” – Zig Ziglar 

With excitement, we are presenting Denny Stockdale as our January 2015 speaker. Denny is an executive coach who sees the importance of creating kinder, more effective working and living cultures.

On his website, he says, “I'm Denny Stockdale, the creator of the Abuse Recovery Map, a guide to help myself and others recover from the Aftershock of Abuse. I'm on a mission to create a KINDER world through the POWER of ENCOURAGEMENT.”

Our environments contain both kindness, with effective cooperation, and also bullying, which results in less effective working together. This presentation will present a great opportunity to get able to effectively increase the kindness and collaboration, and overcome the bullying that is present in our world, in so many ways. When it isn't present in our personal lives, we may find bullying is present in the corporate culture of our clients. Come learn new skills with us, to help build a better world, locally and globally!

The January Meeting will be held at the DePaul University O'Hare Campus, on Monday, January 12, 2015. This is a great, somewhat central location.

We gather at 6:30 pm, for some time to get to know each other, and light dinner. There is a short meeting with announcements, and our program will be 7:15 to 9.

We'd like to get to know YOU! So please come and join us.

From Betty Terrell, Director of Membership

ICF Chicago Board's Letter for January 2015

"When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful." – Malala Yousafzai 

Greetings and Happy New Year!

Our first work as coaches and entrepreneurs, which underlies our more visible work of coaching, is building community among our diverse individuals and groups. Building communities of understanding, and collaborating to work with clients, other coaches, other colleagues, requires lots of awareness and kindness. There are many choices to make every day, as to how we will interpret what we hear and see, and what meanings are present. This is both the topic of our January presentation, and it is also our Board process of building ICFC to be even better than it already is in 2015. See more here about our January program, and about our growing process.

As our Board year comes to a close, it is time for ICFC to hold Executive Committee Elections. We, as the Board, are honored to report that a terrific candidate has accepted the nomination for President-Elect, Cheryl Procter-Rogers!

The Board are pleased to present the following Executive Committee nominations for your vote:

Murray Mann, for 2015 President
Cheryl Procter-Rogers, for 2015 President-Elect
Evie Burke, for 2015 VP Finance
Elizabeth A. 'Betty' Terrell, for 2015 VP Governance

Elections will follow soon: All ICF Chicago members will receive a ballot online in about 7 days after this newsletter. Be sure to watch for it, and participate!

Results will be announced at our January 12, 2015 meeting.

Your vote counts and helps to shape the ICF Chicago Coaching Community. With your help we will continue to grow stronger and more successful, so that we can bring you the speakers, events and opportunities that you desire and deserve.

Happy New Year 2015 to Each and All!

From your ICF Chicago Board of Directors

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Curious About Your ICFC?

Are you curious as to what is going on with ICFC, and how to participate more? There IS a lot going on, that's certain.

There are so many advantages and opportunities available: getting to know other coaches, learning about various communities of practice among coaches, attaining higher credentials in the ICF spectrum, becoming known in the larger Chicago community of coaches. There is participation available with the Core Competency Calls and the Coach Cafes. Yes, there are so many advantages to becoming an active and attending member of ICF Chciago. What if you are doing that, and are still wanting more involvement? Or what if you just want the group to do this one thing that you think we forget to do?

What if you are attending some meetings, and wanting to know more about this organization? What if you have a real interest in the core of ICFC, and want to roll your sleeves up, and DO something?

What if you are curious about the committees or the Board, and wonder how it all works? Maybe you have a vision, or a thought of one, for how it could be better?

Feel free to talk to us about these questions, as now the Board has identified three of its members who are available to answer them or have a conversation with you. Those are President Murray Mann, VP Finance Evie Burke, and VP Governance Betty Terrell.

Meanwhile, thank you for your membership, your current activity levels, and for caring about this ICFC organization!

From Betty Terrell

President's Letter for December 2014

Gratitude, December World Café 3.0 and Holiday Celebration

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend." ~ Melody Beattie

Our December Board message is one of thanks, gratitude and praise for our ICF Chicago Community. You have filled our journey with joy and fueled our passion to be in service of you. We honor each of your contributions as coaches, volunteers, committee members, chairs and directors. You have turned ICFC into a home and strangers into friends.

We invite you to join us at the FREE December 8th World Café 3.0 - "Creating a Premier Coaching Community" and Holiday Celebration. You can register at and feel free to share this invitation with your coaching colleagues to share their wisdom, vision and camaraderie. We will also ring in the International Coach Federation’s 20th anniversary as we prepare to launch the International Year of Coaching.

To Coaches For All That You Do

"At times, our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us." ~ Albert Schweitzer

  1. December 5: FREE ICF CORE COMPETENCY CALL (CCEUs Available) 2:00 p.m. CST - Bridgeline: 218.862.3486 Pin: 6969#
    6:30 pm - 9:00 pm CST
  3. Monthly (multiple dates): COACH CAFÉS see dates and times at here.
  4. December 8 BOARD APPLICATIONS close. More information here.


  • January 12 – Denny Stockdale, The Abuse Recovery Map™
  • February 9 – Gregg Lavoy, Vital Signs: The Nature and Nurture of Passion with a signing of his new book
  • March 9 – (The irrepressible) Ben Dooley, The ATEBAR formula for MasterFull Coaching
  • Monthly Core Competency calls occur every 1st Wednesday at 2:00pm CST
  • Bridgeline: 218.862.3486 Pin: 6969#
  • Monthly Coach Cafés details here.

With gratitude on behalf of the ICF Chicago Board,

Murray A. Mann
President, ICF Chicago.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

President's Letter for November 2014

Deepen Your Coaching Mastery with ICF Chicago’s Upcoming Programs

Trust is the glue of life. It's the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It's the foundational principle that holds all relationships.” ~ Stephen Covey

Communication leads to community, that is, to understanding, intimacy and mutual valuing.” ~ Rollo May

ICF Chicago’s theme for November is Establishing Trust and Intimacy. This core competency applies to coaches and clients and to our relationship as a community of coaches.

ICFC is an organic organization that thrives from the life all of us breathe into it. I invite you to be part of the movement to share leadership amongst us. As an organization, we are rich with talent, ideas and energy. Every member is an ICFC leader; we learn from each other, share ideas, participate on a committee or serve as board members.  Creating and sustaining our organization is a rewarding pursuit.  It is a journey versus a destination.

I invite you to deepen your coaching mastery and evolve your relationships in our ICFC community by participating in your monthly programs, coach cafés and ICFC online communities.


  1. November 10: ICF CHICAGO CHAPTER MEETING WITH MARK STAMPER (a core leader of the IBM Coaching Community of Practice), ACC, CPCC from 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm CST
  2. Monthly (multiple dates): COACH CAFÉS see dates and times here

  • December 8  – World Café 3.0 and Holiday Celebration (Free Event)
  • December 8BOARD APPLICATIONS close
  • January 12 – Denny Stockdale, The Abuse Recovery Map™
  • February 9 – Gregg Lavoy, Vital Signs: The Nature and Nurture of Passion with a signing of his new book
  • March 9 – (The irrepressible) Ben Dooley, Offering an evolutionary new coaching methodology
  • Monthly Core Competency calls occur every 1st Wednesday at 2:00pm CST
    Bridgeline: 218.862.3486 Pin: 6969#
  • Monthly Coach Cafés details here



LinkedIn: International Coach Federation {Chicago Charter Chapter}


Twitter: @ICFChicago

Thank you all for being a part of our community and helping us grow and prosper to enrich coaching, our clients and our communities.

In support of you,

Murray A. Mann
President, ICF Chicago

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Call for Applications for the 2015 ICF-Chicago Board of Directors

The ICF–Chicago Board of Directors invites YOU to join us in creating an increasingly vital, fun, and vibrant community of coaches. We are at an exciting time to contribute to the professionalism of the coaching industry. Serving on the Board of Directors of the ICF–Chicago Chapter is an energizing and inspiring position of leadership. This service requires dedication of both time and commitment, while also fitting with a full personal life and professional life.

During 2015, ICF Global will be celebrating it's 20th Anniversary! We in Chicago will be finding some unique, enjoyable, and useful ways to mark this celebration. ICF-Chicago is very involved with ICF from a regional perspective as well as from the chapter level, as evidenced by our contributions to the Midwest Regional Conference (MRC). During 2015, the Midwest group of chapters will hold the 4th annual MRC, which is one of the most successful regional conferences which ICF Global has. It will be held in Kansas City, in late June 2015.

Regarding the experience of serving on the ICFC Board of Directors, below are some testimonials from those who have served.

President Elect (3 year commitment)
"As a past President of the CCF Board, I would have to say it was a great experience for me. I benefited in several ways including the following: it was a great opportunity to really hone my leadership skills; I gained so much experience and tools that I now use in my coaching business working with small businesses and their leadership teams; I developed several great friendships with like-minded people that I would never have developed otherwise; and the networking has contributed financially as well by referring and getting referrals from my colleagues and friends; this benefit has followed me long past being the President of the Board!"
– Michele Knight

"Being on the CCF board has been a very positive experience. I feel more a part of the Chicago coaching community and connected to my peers. The VP Finance position helped me see the bigger picture and offered access to the whole board. It's a great opportunity and I recommend it."
– Lawrence Hedblom

Membership Chair
"Serving as Co-Chair of Membership on the CCF Board this past year has been a rewarding experience for me. Through this experience, I have been provided with the opportunity to “give back” to the coaching profession and I have made very valuable and lasting connections and friendships. As well, I have been provided with the opportunity to work with some of the finest coaches in the business as well as help others to become the finest coaches in the business!"
– Ann Babiarz

Applications for nominations are available by downloading the ICFC Leadership Application for ICFC Leadership Form on the ICFC Volunteer Opportunities page here .

Please jump in and act quickly, as the ICFC Nominating process begins October 13, 2014 and closes four weeks later on November 10, 2014. The Nominating Committee will review applications and interview applicants, and will recommend a nominating slate to the Board of Directors. Then the ICFC VP of Governance, Betty Terrell, will present the nominating slate to the Board of Directors for ratification at the December Board Meeting. The new slate of the 2015 Board of Directors and Committee Chairmen will then be announced to the membership at that December 8, 2014 membership meeting.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

President's Letter for October 2014

The Business of Coaching, the Next 6 Months and In-House Coaching Initiative – Oh My!

“Unity is strength... when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved” –  Mattie Stepanek; young Mattie was an American poet who published six The New York Times Best Seller list books of poetry. He became a peace advocate, motivational speaker and coach. At the age of 13, Mattie lost his life-long battle with multiple degenerative diseases.

ICF Chicago is a place for coaches to call home; a place to charge your batteries, connect, collaborate, learn, earn and engage. It is place inspired by the Mattie’s of the world.

We look forward to seeing you at our chapter meetings, to chatting with you over coffee at our Coach Cafés and always hearing your voice on the phone.

There is a lot going on at ICF Chicago!

  • Monthly meetings:

    • October 13 – Business of Coaching Panel – Break out Groups
    • November 10 – Mark Stamper, Establishing Trust and Intimacy
    • December 8  – World Café 3.0 and Holiday Celebration
    • January 12 – Launch of International Year of Coaching ICF with Special Guests
    • February 9 – Gregg Lavoy, Vital Signs: The Nature and Nurture of Passion with a signing of his new book
    • March 9 – (The irrepressible) Ben Dooley, Offering an evolutionary new coaching methodology
    • TBA – Denny Stockdale, The Abuse Recovery Map™ 
    • Monthly Core Competency calls occur every 1st Wednesday at 2:00pm CST
      Bridgeline: 218.862.3486 Pin: 6969#
    • Monthly Coach Cafés details here.

  • This is nomination season for the ICF Chicago Board

    If you are interested in serving in any capacity on the ICFC leadership team, board position or committee chair/member, contact Betty Terrell, Vice President of Governance, at

    Please read the Call for Applications email on the week of October 13 for more information and to download an application.

  • New ICFC In-House Coaching initiative

    Many of us remember being inside corporate America and the daily leadership challenges that arose. The good thing is now some organizations have in house coaches to help leaders be successful. But just like those leaders, the in-house coaches also need tools, strategies and remedies for tough leadership challenges.

    That is where you may come in.

    Karen Goins, ICFC In-House Coaching Chair and lives in Plainfield, has agreed to work with a group of 4-6 coaches to determine how we at ICF Chicago could best serve in house coaches. The goal is to first determine what they need then provide solutions based on what ICF has to offer. This small group will meet once a month to start to frame the objective and define the goal.  It will be an engaging, learning opportunity for those willing to give their time.  We will make sure not to ask for any more time than you are willing to share.

    If you are interested, please contact Karen Goins at Lets help in-house coaches be the best they can be while supporting the vision of ICF.
As you can see we are roaring back this fall! Join us to connect, collaborate and contribute in service to your profession. We are YOUR organization for staying in touch with the profession of Coaching!

In support of you,

Murray A. Mann
President, ICF Chicago

Monday, September 29, 2014

A Letter from the Membership Director About Membership

by Betty Terrell CPCC | ICF-Chicago Director of Membership,

We are coaches, and we are skilled at engaging with clients and potential clients. We are excellent listeners, talented at cluing in to what is going on under the surface for our clients. We may also work with our own coaches to grow our own self-awareness and business-awareness. How often, however, are we associating with our colleagues? Making friends of other coaches? Finding others who are curious about similar areas of interest as we are? Or with similar – or wildly different - niches to ours? Meeting coaches who are potential referrals for clients we meet who aren't for us to work with? Or coaches who may have referrals for us, in our specialties or approaches? Even just meeting coaches who we would like to get to know better, to have coffee with or to join for a walk?
What opportunities await at the ICF-Chicago meetings! At one of our first 'World Cafe' style meetings a few years ago, we developed the motto for our organization, “Learn, Earn, Engage”. Though it is much less poetic, I have hit upon another version, “Engage, Learn, Earn”. Yes, we can learn a lot, both intellectually and emotionally, at our training sessions. I enjoy that. I also enjoy the greater earnings that are available as I grow in my profession and business expertise.
However, I think it all begins with engaging: as coaches, what is possible when we engage with each other? What might happen when we meet new coaches, with different personalities, training methods, different wisdom to share? In the bigger picture, what could happen when we nourish the Being of our profession as Coaches, by investing time in collegiality? Visualize with me for a minute, what is possible for us as individuals, if we grow this way.
Maybe in three years, in 2017, we could have an organization that is a tremendous source of wisdom, friendship, collegiality, and inspiration. We could build together a powerful community of so many diverse individuals and relationships. Of course, I find it already to be this way; yet so much more, exponentially so much more, is possible for us. We can build relationships small and large, for many different purposes.
I learned once that the native people in one mountainous area of South America have built their rope bridges for centuries. They braid long grasses in small bundles in each household, then braid those bundles of several households together in groups, then entire villages braid those together, until finally the villages gather together and braid the resulting ropes into magnificent, long, thick, sturdy and safe bridges. These then serve for decades, for all nearby, to cross chasms between mountains. 

That bridge image is a great one for community building among ourselves. Our chasms are the physical distances, and the simple fact of the (sometimes) isolating nature of our work. There aren't a lot of opportunities to meet other professional coaches. Since Chicagoland is such a large area, I see our members gathering to carpool or ride trains together, all coming to our meetings from various directions. Conversations could take place not only during the meetings, but before and after also. Those who live or work more remotely from our meeting location might find it irresistible to attend!
I personally live about an hour's drive away from our meeting location, and so when I first began coming to ICF Chicago, I would scan the listings of descriptions of upcoming meetings, and select maybe one per quarter to attend, as the topic or presenter appealed to me. But after attending about two meetings, it began to dawn on me that the presentations, wonderful as they were, were not my primary delight in having attended. It was getting to know other coaches, those similar and those quite different from myself, my training, background and approaches. It was touching and inspiring to have the experience of being in a room of coaches!   Indefinable, a rich experience.
Also, as time has gone on and I have become more involved, I have had more learning.  I have found that investing time in attending ICF meetings is a way to build a better present and future experience for myself and others as a coach.  ICF Chicago has also become a way to contribute to the profession in the Chicagoland area and globally. It all starts small, with one individual making a decision to attend one meeting.
I invite you to make that decision, to help yourself and others to have a richer experience, being a coach among coaches. I invite you to share in that community building experience.   I – and others – look forward to meeting you.  

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

President's Letter for August 2014

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." – Margaret Mead

ICF and the precursors to ICF Chicago were started by small communities of colleagues committed to building organizations for coaches to support each other and grow our profession.

Our ICF Chicago mission is “To foster a community of Chicagoland coaches committed to learning and collaboration through powerful programs and community involvement, resulting in the success of its members.”

Communities are about relationships not just about sharing content. I relish the feeling of community that comes via the collaboration. The notions of interdependence, communication and connection mix together to form a recipe for trust and collegiality. I hope you do too.

How can we engage in our ICF Chicago Community?

I invite you take part in and help grow our community through the following upcoming venues:

August Core Competency Call
8/6/2014 at 2:00 p.m. (CDT) ICFC’s Bonus Call – The 12th Core Competency! Learn and also earn CCEUs.

Community Coach Cafés
Throughout Chicagoland, Community Coach Cafés meet in small “Master Mind” groups of 5-7 people interested in social and business collaboration, learning and development of their mutual group objectives.

September Chapter Meeting
9/8/2014 – Program TBA - Earn 2 CCEUs
No August program (Summer break)

Engage in our virtual communities and join the conversation.

ICFC LinkedIn Group with 478 members
ICFC Facebook with thousands of hits and 298 likes
ICFC Twitter with 2,215 followers
ICFC All Things Coaching Newsletter read, share and/or submit an article

Ask a colleague to join you in an ICF Chicago activity.

Fall Elections
Stay tuned this fall for more information on opportunities to participate on the Board of Directors and in other leadership positions at ICF Chicago in 2015.

Share your expertise and talents by joining a committee. We welcome you to contribute as a one-time or ongoing volunteer.

We will continue to seek input on your vision for our ICF Chicago community. We encourage you to contact out to us with questions, comments and recommendations.

I look forward to collaborating with you in person, on a call or online.

With gratitude and in community,


ICF Chicago

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Notes from the 2014 Regional ICF Conference

I came away from the ICF Global conference last week in Cleveland absolutely thrilled and
reenergized. To be honest, I went in with very low expectations. I wanted to hear the keynote, Dr. Richard Boyatzis, and get some CCEUs for my ICF credential; no other expectation. I have been to many international ICF conferences over the years and didn't expect much from a regional conference. Boy, was I wrong. From start to finish, it was a top notch conference. The keynotes were powerful and the breakouts excellent. I learned a lot, met fun, cool coaches, got new ideas and even met someone I contracted with to revitalize my marketing on the day I returned. And best of all, I was thrilled to be a coach and be with coaches. I was proud of ICF and the coaching world we are so lucky to be a part of. I plan on going to the conference next year in Kansas City and invite you to come!

I am a better coach this week because of what I learned! Big fun using some new tools and questions - immediately!

Susan Spritz Myers, MCC
Kolbe Certified Master Team Consultant

President's Letter for July 2014

Gratitude & Passing the Baton
Summer has begun in the Midwest! Along with the season change (and warm weather finally here to stay) it is also the time for leadership change. As of July 1, I will pass the baton to the next ICF Chicago President, Murray Mann. It has been my privilege to serve on the board of ICF Chicago in the role of President since October 2012, and I am also grateful to have had the opportunity to serve alongside a quality board of directors, committee chairs and other volunteers during that time. The Chicagoland coaching community is a collection of some amazing people who are up to great things!  

Reflecting back on what moved me towards this role in the first place back in 2012, it is still the same reasons I have today…to advance coaching as a profession both in Chicagoland and in the Midwest region and also to do my part to make that happen. 

Thank you to each of you who have been a part of the leadership team over the past two years… your dedication, willingness, and commitment are matchless. Thank you!

Thank you also to all the coaches who put your heart and soul into what you do. Your collective impact across Chicagoland will transform this city and region. You matter.

Elections in the Fall
Stay tuned this fall for more info on opportunities to participate on the Board of Directors and other leadership positions at ICF Chicago in 2015. What would you like to create together?     

ICF Global 2014 Conference—North America Midwest
The conference was a raving success! The programming was top notch and it was also the most engaged crowd I’ve experienced at a conference. On Friday, many of the coaches from Chicagoland, plus some new friends, ended up getting a private dining room at an Italian restaurant and having a fun evening getting to know each other better over authentic Italian food.

The day before the conference, the Global Leaders Forum (all ICF Chapter Board Leaders invited) met for a full day to learn about ICF global updates-resources-tools, a presentation on chapter board leadership development, and breakouts by region. The Midwest region (MRAC), which has 14 Midwest ICF chapters that meet monthly (virtually), met during the afternoon breakout to discuss goals for the next 6 months.

July Core Competency: Managing Progress & Accountability!
The ability to hold attention on what is important for the client, and to leave responsibility with the client to take action. Demonstrating follow-through is vital to the coaching relationship. Attend ICFC’s in-person and virtual programs this month to practice and learn more on this competency!     

With Gratitude & Expectation of good things,
Wendy Balman, CPCC, ACC
ICFC President (Soon to be Past President)