Tuesday, October 29, 2013

President's November 2013 Letter

And Now for the News…
 2014 is all about making YOU successful. Two of ICFC’s top 4 goals in 2014 are to be “Best in Class” in programming and credentialing, and to increase ICFC’s community impact. If you share these goals, we want you on our team…contact me and let’s make a difference together in 2014!

 Operation Committee Blitz…Now!
ICFC has enough community input and ideas to catapult ICFC into the forefront as the “Premier Resource for All Things Coaching” until at least 2025…and we are now looking for dedicated Committee Chairs and Committee Members to give vision and feet to these ideas. The ICFC Board of Directors is reaching out into the Chicagoland coaching community, as we speak, and may have already reached out to YOU to gage your interest and availability in 2014 for one of these vital positions. If not, please RSVP to me directly at president@icf-chicago.org as soon as possible and I’ll get you connected! P.S. There are lots of Committee Chair/Member Perks, a world class on-boarding experience, and targeted leadership development opportunities as part of this opportunity!

ICFC @ #CIW 2014?
Did any of you attend the October 14-20, 2013 Chicago Ideas Week #CIW (www.chicagoideas.com)! I did…made it to 4 Labs and 4 Talks! What if ICFC were a part of this city-wide initiative in 2014 in the form of a Lab experience? We want to be and are looking for a special someone in our coaching community who would chair the Chicago Ideas Week committee in 2014 to make that happen. Is that you? Contact me at president@icf-chicago.org for more information!  

 Wanted: Brand Manager Extraordinaire & Public Relations Star
Our marketing team works behind the scenes to get the word out to the coaching community on events, special opportunities and scheduled meetings hosted by ICFC. We are looking for a brand manager and public relations guru to join the team as committee chairs and/or interns (great resume builder) to increase the visibility of coaches and the coaching profession in Chicagoland in 2014. Interested or know someone who would be perfect for these positions? Contact Stan at marketing@icf-chicago.org.

 “World Café 2013: Bring Your Voice to the World!” December 9 @ 6:30pm (Free Meeting)
The World Café is ICFC’s end of year EVENT with an intimate series of dynamic interactions set at café-style tables, each with dedicated business-building topics. We discuss and swap tables and topics. What’s in it for you? It is in these town meeting-style conversations that networking takes place while business building topics are explored, collective knowledge is grown, and possibilities for action emerge so you can bring YOUR voice as a coach into the world more effectively in 2014! RSVP: http://icfcworldcafe2013.eventbrite.com

 Taking action together, Wendy Balman, CPCC, ACCICF Chicago President

Thursday, October 3, 2013

President's Letter October 2013

Professional Vulnerability
I was recently asked by an organizational leader to share my thoughts about the appropriateness of vulnerability in the workplace. He was going to address an audience of 300 leaders within his org and wanted to hear additional perspectives on the topic. My “top of mind” response was to share about a time when I saw professional vulnerability in action. I was in a leadership program and one of the co-leaders would consistently be transparent about what he was doing and why. It was refreshing to be invited inside his head – and the way it was done was for the benefit of the program and students. The impact was to build trust quickly and deeply between students and within the program experience.
Since that conversation, I was personally challenged to look at how I am vulnerable in my professional settings…for me these include the ICF Chicago board, clients, potential clients, other creative partnerships, and the communities I’m a part of as a leader, peer and/or participant. What started to show up were opportunities for me to bring my voice when it was very uncomfortable and when it was risky.
Ouch! I have to say I’ve been challenged to be vulnerable so much in the last couple weeks it’s starting to feel more “normal” than not. I heard it described recently as “emotional leadership.” Being willing to speak to the raw truth and to speak from my raw truth in a situation while not placing blame and fully taking responsibility for next steps. While I have had to deal with the “I’m a victim of circumstance” gremlin several times, in the process my own transparency about what I’m experiencing, what I need, and what is working or not working is getting more air time. I’ve also learned I have to live from this place if I REALLY want my breakthrough goals to be accomplished. 
So, what comes up for you when you read this story? If you have not had the direct invitation recently to let yourself live and speak from this place of vulnerability in your professional life, consider this your invitation. What’s at stake for you?
It is worth it!
Wendy Balman, CPCC, ACC
ICF Chicago President