Making it real!
What do you do when you have too much information? I know what happens to me…I shuuuuutt dddoooowwwnnnnn.
Speaking of too much information, ICF Chicago gathered a plethora of ideas, requests and input from the two World Cafés we held over the last five months from coaches eager to be more effective, productive and lucrative (See our Coaching Resources webpage for more on our World Café gatherings). As a Board Team and your strategic partner, we did not shut down but utilized multiple creative sessions to interpret and apply the input as effectively as possible.
What we discovered is that if we were to create a clear pathway for coaches to get ICF credentialed and stay ICF credentialed, we would be providing opportunities for them to advance their credibility, impact, community engagement, business development and earning power.
In light of this, we will be celebrating International Coaching Week held on May 20-25, 2013 this year, as our launch for the following initiatives:
· New membership alliance opportunity to support coaches in getting all the CCEUs (Continuing Coach Education Units) necessary to achieve and maintain an ICF credential more affordably.
· A HelpDesk to answer questions on the ICF membership, ICF Chicago membership and ICF credentialing process.
· Engage with coaches as a strategic partner to leverage the programming and resources in Chicagoland and abroad for our coaches starting with Radical Conversations! A 1-week virtual summit of coach leaders in the coaching industry provided for FREE!!! Check out to sign up!
· A free Speakers Bureau tool for coaches to use for speaking opportunities including rich content and a clear introduction to the benefits of coaching. This will also be launched in-person during our May Community Coach Café meetings.
Stay tuned for our official launch email blast during International Coaching Week so you can take advantage of our introductory membership alliance opportunities and to download the free Speakers Bureau tool.
With Anticipation,
Wendy Balman, MA, CPCC, ACC
ICF Chicago President 2013-2014